Check out this article about our guitar player Darren "Lil' Bluesman" Thiboutot in the Portland Press Herald.
Check out this Wikipedia article on our guitar player Darren "Lil Bluesman" Thiboutot.
Check out this Wikipedia article on Eddie Kirkland, which mentions our guitar player and drummer Darren "Lil Bluesman" Thiboutot and Darren "Big Red" Thiboutot.
Check out this Wikipedia article on Buddy Guy which mentions our guitar player Darrren "Lil Bluesman" Thiboutot in the associated acts column.
Check out this article on Telarc, it mentions our drummer Darren "Big Red" Thiboutot and his work with the Telarc and Deluge Records.
Check out this website, ALLMUSIC, and take a look at all of the CD's our drummer Darren "Big Red" Thiboutot is on.
Check out this video of our guitar player Darren "Lil Bluesman" Thiboutot sharing the stage with Buddy Guy.
Check out these articles written about the band.

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